Stream Side Cabins

The Richard’s cabin along the banks of the North Fork is located near parking area #3, and just a short cast away from the river.
Included in the membership is the use of several streamside cabins. Each cabin is located in a spectacular location with breathtaking scenery and within casting distance of the club’s rivers. These cabins are far away from any artificial lighting and are probably seen by more moose than people during the course of a year so you’re sure to experience complete solitude as you enjoy the most star-filled sky you’ve ever seen.
They are rustic in nature, with no running water or electricity, and provide one the opportunity to step back in time and imagine themselves in the shoes of the early trappers and explorers that discovered North Park 150 years ago. The cabins are all accessible by vehicle and contain cots, tables, chairs, some counter space, and outhouses, but guests need to bring their own water, bedding, cooking items (stove, utensils, etc), food, and any other items necessary for camping in a remote setting. Think of the cabins as camping in a hard-sided, dry tent and prepare accordingly.
The cabins must be reserved in advance by calling the club office. Club members are entitled to use the cabins for ten nights during the season but the length of stay is limited to a maximum of five nights for anyone to visit.